Physics department winter party 2024Luis returns to his lab from 1988!That’s a lot of lobster shells!Physics department retreat, September 2024End of year dinner, December 2024Farewell dinner for summer interns, September 2024Harvard Graduation, June 2024Where’s Waldo? Bingtian and Max, June 2024Harvard Physics 15th Reunion, June 2024Yao group goes to DAMOP, June 2024Group dinner, May 2024Group dinner, May 2024Yao group goes to DAMOP, June 2023Yao Group, June 2023Yao group at the Physics Holiday Party, December 2022Yao Group Picture, 2019Yao group after Oppenheimer, August 2023Berkeley Graduation, June 2023Last Yao group dinner at Berkeley, 2023Dilfridge for mK spin dynamics arrives, 2023Berkeley Hooding Ceremony, June 2023Moving into new labs, March 2023Dinner after lab move, March 2023Pra Thesis Defense, March 2023Berkeley Graduation, 2022Berkeley Graduation Dinner, 2022Yao Group Retreat Poster Session, 2022Jurgen Dienstmayer holding court, 2023Yao Group Retreat, 2022Packed and ready to move East, March 2023Moore, Yao, Stamper-Kurn groups securing GSW tickets, 2019Former postdoc Felix Flicker writes a book! Harvard Science Book Talk, 2023Packing our trusty AttoDry800 to move East, 2023Satcher performs at Freight & Salvage, 2017Escape room group outing, 2017Mini-golf group outing, 2017One of these is not like the others, 2020First ever Yao group white-board, 2016Moving into new Birge Hall labs, 2016