Latest News
- APS awards Jin Ming the Leroy Apker award and Norm the Rabi Prize!
- Tommy presents at the Deborah Jin Doctoral Thesis Award Session at DAMOP!
- Yao group is featured in the Harvard Physics newsletter!
Read about it here.
- Norm is a Simon’s Investigator!
Read about it here.
- Former postdoc, Felix Flicker, wrote a book: “The Magick of Physics”!
And he gave a Harvard Science Book talk! Read the Crimson article about it here.
- Congratulations to newly minted PhD’s: Francisco, Pra and Chris! And our very own undergraduate, Che!
- Francisco is awarded the 2022 Jackson C. Koo Award!
Awarded by the department of physics at Berkeley to a “high-achieving physics graduate student in condensed matter.” Congrats Francisco!
- Norm is awarded the New Horizons in Physics Prize from the Breakthrough Foundation!
Read about the New Horizons in Physics Prize here.
- Congratulations to Julia for receiving the DOE CSGF!
Check out this!
- Congratulations to Vincent and Sabrina for receiving the NSF GRFP!
- Satcher receives the Lars Commins Memorial Award!
Award annually by the Berkeley department of physics “to the most deserving graduate research student in experimental physics.”
- Congratulations to Max for receiving the NDSEG fellowship!
- Congratulations to Rahul for receiving the Barry Goldwater Scholarship!
- Norm is awarded the 2020 George E. Valley Jr. Prize!
One prize is awarded each year by the American Physical Society and Norm’s citation reads: “For the elucidation of non-equilibrium quantum phases of matter, in particular time crystalline order, and for enabling the realization of these phases in quantum optical systems.”
- Congratulations to Satcher, Pra and Chong on their Science paper!
- Pra is awarded the Erwin Hahn Graduate Fellowship in Physics!
- Norm and Steve Leone are awarded the Science and Engineering Research Grant from the W. M. Keck Foundation!
- Norm is awarded the David and Lucile Packard Fellowship!
- Greg is offered both the NSF GRFP and the DOD NDSEG fellowships!
Hard to choose just one!
- Norm is awarded a Sloan Research Fellowship!
Read the press release here!
- Tim joins the group as a diploma thesis student from LMU! Welcome, Tim!